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We provide tailored technical solutions that are specific your site throughout the duration of your projects. Projects can either be small stand alone schemes or part of a larger programme. What ever the size of your projects, there is the risk of environmental damage, pollution incidents and non compliance to environmental legislation.

We work with and advise our clients to ensure that relevant environmental legislations are complied with. We try to understand the project scope, identify potential environmental risks and devise best practical environmental solutions to mitigate them throughout the project's life-cycle.

Do you need an environmental permit? We can either work with you to secure your permit or do all the work by applying for and securing the environmental permits on your behalf. We will work with you to develop practicable and site specific environmental management system to manage your site operations, review supporting documentations and where required help you achieve and sustain improved environmental performance, as required by the conditions of your environmental permits.

​We work across a variety of industries including waste management, waste water treatment, power / energy supply, rail, construction and land remediation. We work with your teams throughout the phases of your projects, from optioneering, feasibility, planning and delivery.

At Suspath, we have the skills and resources to provide project management expertise and support to ensure that your projects are effectively managed and delivered without causing any adverse environmental impact, while making sure that the performance targets of time, cost, quality, scope, risk and benefits are met.



We are an independent scrap metal trading company serving the UK market. Based in the UK and West Africa, we collect and import scrap metal, quality check and analyse the material before sorting them for processing and preparation for efficient recycling by our customers.

We are actively involved in numerous locations in West Africa and the UK. As a Company we pride ourselves on the close relationships we have developed over the years, both with suppliers and consumers. We are constantly seeking new opportunities to take our company forward into the future.

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